The Exception and The Rule


The Exception and The Rule

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You are weak; you are weary, and your spirit is broken. Your opponent is stronger than you, more resilient, and more clever. You face overwhelming odds of defeat. In a wager for your life, would you bet on you? And as you turn to face your opponent, are you the exception or are you the rule?

Stage IV cancer does not come with a safety net. There are no do-over's or second chances, and for those of us diagnosed with stage IV cancer, we enter the most crucial phase of our lives, where nearly every second and decision made becomes one of life and death.

In this inspirational, heart-wrenching, and unbridled work, Sarah Kugler Powers in The Exception and The Rule: On Being Stage IV, shares the experiences and the lessons she learned during the years she underwent cancer treatment. Sarah discusses in-depth topics such as: having difficult conversations with family and friends, working with doctors, dealing with depression and anxiety, and facing death.

In taking the reader with her through her own grief, anger, and constant struggles, Sarah's story affords the reader a first-hand look at the conversations, the heartbreak, and the circumstances surrounding some of the greatest questions patients must face and ask of themselves and their medical teams.